Tuesday 16 June 2015

Bashair Al Khairat By Huzoor Ghous-e-Azam

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
والصلوة و سلام على سيد المرسلين و حبيب رب العلمين

The Holy Month of Ramadan is fast approaching, and the 1st of Ramadan is the birthday of the Great Sheikh ul Shuyookh Muhiyuddeen Hadhrat Ghous-ul-Azam رضي الله عنه. This beautiful Collection of Salawat/Durood Shareef  - Basha'ir ul Khayrat wa Bulughul Mussarrat (Glad Tidings of Good Things and the Arrival of Delights) is composed by His Emminence, Sayyiduna Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani رضي الله عنه the great leader of the Qadriah Silsila.

As quoted about this salawat, a disciple of Sheikh Ghous-ul-Azam  states : "My master, Shaikh Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani رضي الله عنه said: 

'This invocation of blessing is the one that befits this Prophetic tradition [hadith].  It is the opening of seventy doors of mercy, and it manifests marvels from the path of the Garden of Paradise.  It is better than someone who emancipates a thousand souls, and immolates a thousand sacrificial beasts, and donates a thousand dinars [gold coins] to charitable causes, and fasts for a thousand months.  It contains a hidden secret, and it is the means by which provisions are easy to obtain, characters are refined, needs are satisfied, degrees are exalted, sins are erased, faults are pardoned, and the lowly are dignified.'

'My master رضي الله عنه , the firm support of the religion, also said: 
This invocation of blessing is given to no one but the perfect righteous man, for it is perfect in its qualities, endowed with gracious favor.  If some problem troubles its owner, every invocation of it will be a means of access for him in the presence of the noble Prophet (صل الله عليه وسلم), and every Quranic verse in it will be an intercession in the presence of the Almighty Patron.  It is the invocation of blessing of those who perform the ritual prayer, the Quranic recitation of those who practice remembrance, the admonition of those who heed advice, and the means of access of those who seek access.  It is the invocation of blessing of the glorious Quran, and I have called it: Basha'irul Khairat'."