Friday, 18 October 2013

Read Durood with Love

Our Leader and wellwisher of mankind Rasoolullah صلي الله عليه وسلم loves every ummati,  this compassionate relationship is stated in Quran Al Kareem :

[Taubah 9:128] Indeed there has come to you a Noble Messenger from among you - your falling into hardship aggrieves him, most concerned for your well being, for the Muslims most compassionate, most merciful.
[Taubah 9:129] Then if they turn away, say (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), "Allah suffices me; there is no worship except for Him; only Him have I trusted, and He is the Lord Of The Great Throne."

There are numerous Ahadees which further talk of this compassionate relationship. Therefore, it is recomended that while reading durood shareef/Salawat one must feel (or try to inculcate) deepest feelings of respect, compassion, warmth and love for his Noble Loving Leader Rasoolullah  صلي الله عليه وسلم.