Sunday 27 October 2013

Ardent Readers of Durood Shareef in the History: Part 1

Many successful muslims from the history were known to be passionate reciters of durood shareef. One such figure was Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni - a powerful king of his time ruling many countries of  Southeast Asia.

It is documented that he had great love and respect for Rasoolullah  صل الله عليه وسلم and read durood shareef 100,000 times daily. This left him with very little time for administrative duties.

One day he had a vision of Rasoolullah  صل الله عليه وسلم in which he was ordained to recite another durood shareef (called durood e lakhi in southeast asia) which if recited once would result in reward equal to hundred thousand durood shareefs. After this incident, the sultan revealed this durood shareef to many people and its recitation is a regular practice among many. Read this durood shareef here.